צרו איתנו קשר בווצאפ צרו איתנו קשר בווצאפ


You just completed to invest in design a user-friendly site and easy to operate. What now? How did surfers will know about the site's existence? It is time to promote the site and bring it to a location that will bring surfers.&


Why SEO?

Unlike the sponsored campaign that Google offers to sites, to appear in the first page results in an advertisement, organic promotion gives you a position on the front page of Google without advertising. The promotion is done by Simply Smart, a company that specializes in the field and ensures long-term results.

A sponsored campaign gives immediate results, and the site will appear immediately after payment in the first page results whenever a surfer searches for a particular phrase on the network. However, when the budget is over, the site will disappear from search results on the first page. 

On the other hand, organic promotion brings the site to the first page. However, it is a process which takes several months. However, the long-term results once the site enters the first page, it is likely to remain there. This of course, under constant supervision and keeping the results.


Lower costs

Promotion Organically

In terms of costs, organic promotion is more profitable in the long term, but sometimes it is recommended to combine it with a sponsored campaign. Sometimes, there are very difficult search words for which Google charges a single high fee per click. In other words, Google may require 15 IS per for a single click, so a small number of visitors are enough to accumulate high amounts in paid advertising.   

On the other hand, organic promotion cost, is known in advance, and payments are made on a monthly basis without any surprises or the budget is suddenly running out. 

Organic promotion is a promotion that should not be stopped if you want to always be on the front page. 

After several months in which the words have reached the first page, the organic promotion keeps the positions in the coming months. Therefore, it is important to keep using the organic promotion on the positions you have achieved in the first few months, continuously and routinely.

Every Web-Site needs a successful search engine optimization to achieve maximum exposure, quality marketing, and high sales.

Many business owners choose to do it themselves for economic reasons or to find a beginner freelance. But promotion on the Internet is a profession by itself and requires extensive experience and vast understanding, in the digital arena. Although the business owner's calculation is so economic, but without having all the necessary knowledge and experience, his losses are greater than his gains. The organic promotion experts of Simply Smart Ltd. give you some professional tips on organic promotion and why it is important to work only with a professional company.


Using key phrases

Please note that you provide an accurate response to your potential customers' searches. Make sure that the key phrases that you use, are significant in the key phrases of the product or service you provide. Not so long ago, be sure to use key phrases exactly as they are, with all the letters in the correct order, even if written in misspellings. For that reason, if in the hotel industry you’ll find that the key phrase "hotels in Jerusalem" has a higher rating than "hotels in Jerusalem", today there is no need to use it in its exact form and should also appear in two variations.


Quality content

The Web-Sites promotion also relies on content. Around the key phrases you promote, you’ll need to enter content describing it in the form of promotional articles. Make sure that the articles you write are written clearly, comprehensively, and systematically. Google's search engine is not just looking for quantity, it's also testing quality. The more quality articles will be written to the surfer, the more valuable it will be to promote the article, and your site will get better exposure.


The  face of your business

It is advisable to ensure that the writing is large enough so that it is convenient for the surfer to read it.  The information provided in the article is correct and true, and really contributes to the reader, and that it is divided into paragraphs. Each section has a clear title that accurately attests to what the reader should read. 

The main headline must also read what the reader will receive in the article she represents. Keep in mind that beyond the need for organic promotion, the articles provide the face of the business directly to the potential customer. From what the surfer will read or conclude from the article, will automatically throw into your business or the products the site provides. For example, if the article contains incorrect information it will break the credibility of the business.


Move up the rankings with links

The incoming links to the site are actually 60% of the site promotion, and one of the smartest moves in the promotion theory. In order for surfers to click the link, content that interests the surfer needs to be clicked. Therefore, if a site owner is looking for traffic to locate him, building the right links is essential.

Search engine robots measure the link that enters your site and see its relevancy and accordingly can boost the position of the phrase in the ranking, and give the site a higher score. More quality links will increase the site's exposure.


Promotion Organically

Google's Penalties

Wrong Web-Sites promotion on the Internet, in the eyes of the omnipotent "king," Google, yields punishments.

Google, which has set and maintains the rules for organic promotion, benefits only from the sponsored promotion. 

Therefore, whomever Google states that it has "passed" its laws, was severely punished and "thrown" from the high places into the Internet. Unskilled companies can cause your site to be penalized and thus can cause you great harm.


Quality company = professional promoters

At Simply Smart Ltd., a skilled and professional Web-Site promotion team awaits you. The team is carefully selected, undergoes professional training, and handles a measured amount of Web-Sites development in order to achieve optimal results. Simply Smart Ltd., one of the oldest and most professional companies in Israel to build and promote Web-Sites, has been promoting leading sites in various fields, for a long time, with great benefit and incomes. 

It is true that at first glance, organic promotion is seen as high as a high expense, but it is the best and most profitable investment for your business.


This is your time to truly start earning on the Internet. Call now to arrange an introductory meeting with no commitment whatsoever. 03-9239888


More examples of Google first-place phrases in organic promotion:

Promotion Organically

Promotion Organically

Promotion Organically

Promotion Organically

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