צרו איתנו קשר בווצאפ צרו איתנו קשר בווצאפ

For 20 years we have been doing Internet, living the Internet life, and breathing internet. We invite you to join us. For over 20 years we have accumulated knowledge in building, designing, and promoting web-sites.

Simple Smart

We started to be there - on the Internet long ago, right at the very beginning. Even when the Internet just started and we were pretty alone there. Few surfers, few sites, and very few site building companies. And 24 years ago we founded Simple Smart Ltd. for you.

Our vision was simple and clear. The web-sites at that time were cumbersome, not easy to surf, and definitely not user friendly. 

We thought, and we still think so today, that the Internet has to be adapted to the human interface - to the person on the other side of the computer - to the surfer, the most important person in the process. Therefore the web-site must be emotional, friendly, and easy to navigate, with clear content for the surfer. Most important, to initiate something - to stimulate emotion, to convey clear message, to sell if necessary, and to give the surfer a pleasant, safe, easy and interactive place.

Our team grew and the principles remained, meticulous service, fast and courteous, excellent professionals who joined our team and maintained the spirit of the company, using the most advanced technology and establishing an internal research and development department. . Good sites, sites that bring results and lots of that... 

Most importantly, we are always there for our customers, who are our real partners on the road to success.

We prepared for them a huge support department which is today the heart and engine of the company. 

Skilled service personnel who are at their disposal all day, and understand the Internet, understand graphics, understand programming, understand promotion, and know how to do it fast, efficient and good - and we try to always be there for our customers. 


We can be here for you too

So, if you need an excellent, spectacular, effective,  an effective sales site that knows how to do it right, knows how to touch and motivate people to be interested in submitting a lead form in request for an additional information, buy and represent you truly. Call now 


Below please find direct links to sample of our amazing web-sites we created. the Simply Smart Ltd. (1999) is proud of each and every one of them.

At your disposal, are the staff of our departments, a professional, creative and skilled team which will accompany you through all stages of building your web-site, right from:


• Characterization and marketing psychology

• Design and creative

• Startup management

• Programming and R & D development

• Marketing content

• Customer service

• Organic Web Site Promotion

• Sponsored promotion on Google

• Domain servers and email boxes

• Interactive Advertising and Media

• Mobile sites


In short ... everything you need to have an effective presence on the Internet. Call us at 03-9239888 or simply call us and we'll be there for you too.

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